Ways to Give
Interested in making a gift fast and easy online? Check out our online giving site.
If you would like to make a gift by check, please make the check payable to: "Delaware Tech Educational Foundation". Tell us the purpose of your gift in a note or print the online form by clicking “Make a Gift” and then print. Let us know if your donation qualifies for a matching gift from your employer.
Mail to:
Delaware Technical Community College
Development Office
PO Box 897
Dover, DE 19903
If you have additional questions, please contact the Development office at (302) 857-1682. THANK YOU!
Gifts of property
Instructional technology equipment such as computers, monitors, cameras, laboratory and clinical equipment, medical instrumentation and other equipment from our various departments.
Appreciated Assets
Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real estate are transferable to Delaware Tech. Donors can receive significant tax advantages by giving appreciated assets.
Matching Gifts
Many employers encourage charitable giving through their Employee Matching Gift Program. Check with your Human Resources Office to find out how you may double or even triple your gift to Delaware Tech.
Gift Planning
Donors can receive significant tax benefits by partnering with Delaware Tech as a beneficiary of various estate planning vehicles. Bequests, trusts, annuities, land donations and life insurance gifts are just of few of the ways that individuals have supported Delaware Tech while receiving favorable tax situations. For more information, visit our gift planning site.
Please consult with a certified financial planner, estate planning professional or other legal counsel to learn all details about your potential charitable gift.
In Lieu of Flowers
In lieu of flowers, obituaries often designate Delaware Tech to receive memorial gifts. Each memorial donation we receive is individually acknowledged. The family of the deceased is notified of the gift and the donor’s name, but the amount of the gift is not disclosed.
You may designate Delaware Tech for memorial gifts in an obituary with the following: “In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Delaware Tech, P.O. Box 897, Dover, DE 19903."
Please contact Margaux Azzanesi at (302) 857-1122 or margaux.azzanesi@noujcf.com for guidance in creating memorial gifts for your loved ones.